Thursday, July 30, 2009

sometimes, its better to not know what you're doing.

that way, you create a little laughter and joy for those who see your work. (Do Not Frolic... LOL)

Hey! its ok to be a clown
as long as people smile,
leaving their day with one less frown,

I would gladly go the mile.

a leaf fell on 10:50 pm


Sunday, July 26, 2009

Woke up with a nose that is half-stuffed, half-running. That's my nose for ya, thks to the crooked inner bone... but I don't wanna go for surgery, later become like michael jackson=.= nooooooo

Had a Tiff with dad. I decided not to ever drive when he is around, I can't control myself when his comments come out, its just demeaning even though he doesn't realise it.

And I wish, I could learn to put a smile on your face, and know you better,
but alas, I do not know how, can someone teach me? I skipped my life's lessons module too much.

a leaf fell on 11:47 pm


Friday, July 24, 2009

This is a simple story of a sage. As you know, people get bored, and one day, this sage with all his knowledge and cultivation, became ever so restless.

So he decided to take a walk.

And he chanced upon a man at a stream.

A fisherman of advanced age sitting on a fairly flat stone, swaying his fishing rod ever so slightly, waiting...
In an instant, the fishing line pulled taut! The fisherman, clearly experienced, fought effortlessly and finally reeled in the catch. "My god the fish was big!" thought the Sage, it was indeed almost 3 feet long and putting up a valiant struggle while the fisherman struggled to free his hook from its mouth.
After some effort, the fisherman freed his hook and rearing up, he threw the fish back into the stream! Recomposing himself, he casted his rod and sat down waiting again. The Sage, puzzled at the fisherman's behaviour, was curious to understand this fisherman who had thrown such a big catch, surely able to sell for much, away.
10 minutes pass and the line snagged again. Going through his motions, the fisherman landed a fish still fairly large, about 2 feet long. The fish thrashed about in defiance while the fisherman once again extracted the fishing hook. After doing so, and once again, he threw the fish back from where it came!
Now the Sage was clearly dumbfounded and badly wanted to ask the fisherman why was he doing this, but he stayed put and continued to watch as the fisherman sat down once again with his line casted. In a few minutes the fisherman pulled out a catch not more than 1 feet in length. The Sage saw him smile for the first time as he unhooked the fish and delivered it into his catch basket.

Urged on by the questions in his head, the Sage approached the fisherman while he was packing up to go and asked "I've been watching you fish and I don't understand why you threw such a big fish away for the small one in your basket!" Sheepishly, the fisherman smiled "Haha, only the fish in the basket fits onto the one plate I have at home." Saying which he strolled slowly down the path towards his home.

Simply in the scene, the Sage learned how a simple man cloud let go of his greed and take only what he needs.

How often do we desire for more more more, not realising, all we need are the simple things in life.

a leaf fell on 9:07 am


Tuesday, July 21, 2009

man, after sunday night's badminton.... i feel my noobness level =.=

i strive to up level through playing with 高手s and learning from them =)))))))

a leaf fell on 9:29 am


Saturday, July 18, 2009

time for a short post.

thurs fri worked at student care, waaa! taking care of kids is more tiring than I thought... at least I get some dough and exercise cuz i cycle to work XD

you know.... i drink sweettalk 泡泡茶 in sg and I think "omg... I need the taiwan 泡泡茶man!!!" sg one now cnmi T.T

small and fragile, yet, the intricacies of every organism speaks for itself, realize... that we never invented, we have only innovated.

a leaf fell on 9:15 pm


Tuesday, July 14, 2009

heyhey! =)

the ONLY picture I have for my DMD gathering =.= cam went out of batt forgot to charge!!!
so last sat went for DMD gathering, been a looooong time since i've seen anyone of em man! a bit awkward cuz i don't know much animation and IM ppl but after awhile warmed up =) i totally got owned at street fighter on PS3 =.=

Sun was DJJTR.... seriously zombie, I need to sleep early for a few days to regain energy, the late sleeping lifestyle makes me lethargic....

little critter little wabbit,
you're so cute but my foot you bit,
little wabbit little critter,
im vegetarian... so plz dont quiver!!!

a leaf fell on 10:10 pm

erm hrm.... buzi these few days haha so er, blog later XD

a leaf fell on 11:17 am


Thursday, July 09, 2009

I want sweet dreams,
Its rare it seems,
My subconscious reams,
Has little of honeyed beams.

Maybe some sugar drops,
A sprinkle of hops,
Creamy smiles on top,
Chocolate swirls and lops.

Add many colourful gummies,
O! those wonderous yummies,
Sometimes in the shape of bunnies,
All into my tummy.

Give me sweet dreams,
Many many lovely dreams,
I'll share some with you,
If I could have the little nice dreams!

-sweet dreams are made of these, meng

a leaf fell on 12:56 am


Tuesday, July 07, 2009

and i wonder.....

the simple things, till you're old, that brings a smile to your face.

parto 3

this river water was so clean we could drink it directly!!!!
and we took a COLD swim in it also haha... (i think it was illegal though)

hurhur first night we went cycling for FOOD, there was actually a vegetarian stall in the night hawker centre XD woo!

keith.... did this
he was like.... woo... wooo... WOOO! den he hit the side mirror and prrraack!
he hit liao den run lol, bugger. sad car...

next day we went water rafting, 10 ppl on a boat... so it was QUITE slow. these are all our feet =P

and our boat crew!!! haha had fun getting stuck on rocks and falling into the water =P I zai, never fall hoho.

prawning at night, using only small net and hands, the prawns so hard to grab out of the net =.= i feel very 内疚... all those sad prawns T.T but we released the crabs we caught

and so we end parto 3 on a note.

when you cross the bridge, you only understand the road above,
look under, and discover the beauty below

a leaf fell on 8:26 am


Friday, July 03, 2009

parto 2.5

the gang of not so lethal brothers

we went to a historical museum, learning that the natives started using iron tools quite early in the human timeline

as you can see greg fits in early in that timeline XD

this rock formation at danshui looks like 2 hearts stuck together no? wonder if its man-made

wakao! i accidentally used black and white for this picture =.= we are eating QQ stuff at jiufen...
seak: awwww maiii gawwwd.... sleepy
keith: awwww maiii gawwwd.... emo
ant and alex: awww maiii gawwwd.... plz take the picture again
greg:.... *ding**wink*.... ghey
meng: wakao, my smile sugs...

DONG GAN CHAO REN!!!!!! buy 3 get 1 free figurines

oki, hungry le, time for breakfast... shld i post the pictures on facebook? but i frigging lazy =.=

a leaf fell on 6:59 am


Wednesday, July 01, 2009

parto 2
dadada duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuum!!

ya ok... so we went to a few places in taipei to shop,
mainly simenting, shiling street, jiu fen, dan shui, and wu fen pu...
shopping = exercise = leg... SUAN

we went to a toilet themed cafe, lol food served in toilet bowls and squat holes.... you be the judge

due to 太多 msn chat windows, and the utter concentration needed to type 华文 on computer..... i stop her first LOL

a leaf fell on 10:28 pm


My Engravings