Thursday, April 30, 2009

its gunna be a busy wkend.... mendosai!!!!! (troublesome!!!!!)
so much so I cant go out with my usual buddies X.X
all cannot make it to go out today, o well, some things take priority

why so shy?
when I'm not.
why am I shy?
when you're not.
why must shy?
when others are not.
why be shy?
when you can be not.

a leaf fell on 11:01 pm


Wednesday, April 29, 2009

taking my SATs on sat mornin... but you know i discover I'm suddenly lost.
I want to try so many things,
but I do not know which one I want to actually earn my bread and butter...

I had a dream this afternoon while dozing,
it was real interesting and I want to write it here,
but damn,
why do dreams have the knack of slipping from your mind?
if I ever remembered all my dreams,
I swear I would be an rocking author by now.
o well,
let the sublime inspirations do their job,
that is,
to make sleep more interesting. =)

a leaf fell on 9:31 pm


Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Why SAF kills the environment.
1 VIP visit
= 2 Combi Bus (1 From CHangi all the way to Lim Chu Kang)
1 GP car (You wonder, its nvr any use)
1 Minibus ( To carry their precious food, silver platters inclusive)
10 private cars (all the way to Lim Chu Kang, to see a remote control plane)
1 hour of idle engines (waiting for the bosses to finish diplomatic chattering)

emptyness came to my door.
It was thirsty for hope.
I fed it some,
sent it away,
not much left now,
my heart starts to sway.
Will I survive?
Am I living numbered days?
In search for more hope,
to feed this ravenous void.
I cradle whats left,
pray emptyness don't come,
and take it away.

a leaf fell on 5:19 am


Monday, April 27, 2009

Ahhhhhhhhh coooooooooling, won't the rain come again to wet and cool down this parched earth ^.^

Todae bu xi ban is funz as usual, still learning how to teach children... I feel I'm too soft le, cannot get stern... when I tried to be serious I burst out laughing!!! =.= diaoz

oki short and sweet, nite.

Out in the pouring rain,
no one can hear you cry,
no one can see you dance,
no one can say you're wrong,
its the best time to be honest,
out in the pouring rain.

a leaf fell on 1:26 am


Saturday, April 25, 2009

eh hehe, randomly type stuff =P
gunna be able to drive car soon le... *drools*

a leaf fell on 10:43 am


My Engravings