Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Fly me to the moon and let me play among those stones,
Let me see what spring is like on Jupiter and Mars,
In other words, hold my hand
In other words, darling kiss me

Fill my hungry soul and let me live forever more,
You are all I longed for, all I worshipped and adored,
In other words, please be trrrrrrrrruuue,
In other words, I love you... I lOvE yoU

a leaf fell on 9:23 pm


Monday, June 20, 2005

here i am... in my DSNV class... blogging ^^
haha it seems that i breakdown every few weeks. then i just move on... to breakdown again.
what a life of ups and downs -_-"
well im healing my wounds with temporary bandage branded "lasts for a few weeks only"
so i really wonder... when will i get a permanent bandage?

a leaf fell on 5:09 pm


Wednesday, June 15, 2005

The last few weeks I've tried to live without thinking about you. You can't imagine how much I had to suppress myself, to drown myself in whatever I could do, to disillusion myself in games.


Would I ever feel full again? The emptiness, the void never fills up. I'm waiting for this girl, who I shld never wait for. I'm living this life without a reason, meaning.

Smile. I'm smiling my friends, mother, father, bro. I'm smiling.
I smile at my irony. Smile at myself. Smile in front of you.

Cry. I'm crying as I write this. The tears won't dry up. This love won't end.
This pain hurts. No one can help. Only you can tell me to stop.

Please. I'm begging you please. Tell me that I'm gone. Tell me it is impossible.
So I can stop loving you. So I've got a reason to do so.

Empty. I'm feeling so. Slowly I'm going off. Slowly I'm going mad.
Mostly I'm not there.

Hate. I'm lost in my hate. The jealousy in me. The dark side of me.
Behind my smile. Love my hate. Feel my hatred. The Yang always has a Yin.
Go and die dick. You know who you are.

Love. I'm in love. Never have I felt this. Mostly I'm just dead. How painful it is.
Will it ever be bliss? Fuck you love. Why did you come? Why must you change me?
Why don't they understand? Tell them. How pained am I. Tell her. How I love her.
How? Maybe I shld die. Maybe you shld love me.

WHY! SHHHHIT! WHY!!! GOD!!!! end this.... please....
my hate, i don't want it to consume me
my love, i don't want it to pain me
my smile, i don't want it to be fake
my tears, i don't want it to flow
my emptiness, i don't want it anymore

GIVE ME SOME LOVE!!! FUCK YOU... I beg you...... love me or not.
Tell me.... please? Haru... please...
You there?


a leaf fell on 2:37 am


Thursday, June 09, 2005

Learning how to make a game is more tedious and complicated than i thought!!!

Principles of a gd game design:

-A balance between a LINEAR and INTERACTIVE gameplay

-Always keeps player on the move and Breed ANTICIPATION in them

-Use RISK n REWARD as a motivation to move player on in game

-Must be internally COHERENT
(Physics of the gaming world can be created, but stick to the physics throughout the game)

-FUN!!!!! ^_^

Hehe now you jus learnt the key points in making a game!!!
Hmmz now DMD 0406 has been seperated... well it just feels different
and as I said before my adaptability to a new environment is -100%... T_T
But I will GANBATTE!!! wahahha!!!
I wanna join KENDO tml goin to sign up HOPEFULLY got space for me this year...
but its will cost at least $500 for the Shinai n Armor... sadz
Hopefully my mom will be willing to sponsor moi ^^ den I can become KENSHEE HIMURA vO_Ov

lol when i coming home from skool today, i had this ~_~ incident...
While on the MRT i took out my sketch book n started drawing stuff...
Den this buncha kids n their mom came in and sat across me.
The kids came and sit beside me a stared at what I was drawing, i was so flustered!!!
So to satisfy the kids' curiousity i started drawing all sorta stuff... from dogs to cats to cartoon characters using the method i learned frm the Jin Wen Art School ^_^v.
God half of the stuff i drew was crap... but who cares!!! In the end i ended up entertaining them with crap drawings all the way to Bukit Batok MRT... PHEW how relieved i was when i came out of there!!!
Man I'm gunna have a phobia of drawing in public nowadays... -_-"

ome more thing...
eh is there no one reading my blog?
cuz no one tag for long time T_T
sad life...... oh wellz... blehxz!
goin ta bang my head on the bed n faint ^^v

a leaf fell on 10:49 pm


My Engravings