Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Studio project is here! woo hoo... wee hee... waa haa... bleh...

Hey my concept was commented by Lina as "one of a kind" wahahahaha =D
my eyes shine brighter as i lift my head up high n laugh out
A good start to somethign will aways spur me on to do it, n do it well!!! heehee

How i wish i can just concentrate on studio project n get it done... but those stupid last assignments just trip things up... grrr screw em!

Oh yea... =) if you didn't know, im... im... still thinking of you ^_^v

I'll be here...
I'll be here waiting...
If you ever come, I'll be here...

a leaf fell on 7:57 pm


Tuesday, March 22, 2005

hey heyz peeps... been a long time...

well im almost recovered now, from my sickness that is... kaoz, getting sick before finishing an assignment sure ain't a gd time... =P

those few days... when i was sick... i had dreams, unreal, impossible, for they were of you, that you were caring for me... haha... my subconcious mind sure is imaginative eh? but my concious mind ain't -_-"
when i awoke, it would all be the same, that sweaty bed, the tranquil sun, the stuffy heat, the lonely me.

i coughed, n sneezed, damn someone mus be cursing me o_x... lemme guess... i noe who ^_^ but i ain't saying =P
My smile stayed on... on a plastered heart... sheltering a healing soul. oh how does thou take it? even though doesn't know.
im not strong, in fact im weak, so weak i can't stand up and walk, wonder if you will ever be there... for me.
but i know, this weak one, will protect all that he loves, for i swore by my words, the words of a ruruoni.

I couldn't say please don't go, for even love without hope exists
-meng, please, don't go

a leaf fell on 3:36 pm


Friday, March 18, 2005

what could be worse?

i'm down with food poisoning
i'm pinned with tons of work
i'm forlorn, without my love
i'm all that you think i am
my existence is only to exist

but, have you ever seen, my smile?
have you heard, my laughter?
have you read my thoughts?

they will never disappear as long as the me i am exists,
even if i exist only to exist, i EXIST,
my smile will change nothing,
my laughter will hail nothing,
my thoughts will bend nothing,
i am the existence of nothing,
for nothing is everything,
and everything is nothing.

I finally understood wad Tao is,
I will be unbreakable,
as long as i'm nothing,
I will be unbendable,
as long as i hold my existence.
My wounds are nothing,
for i will continue,
to smile ^_^

a leaf fell on 11:59 pm


Tuesday, March 15, 2005

waaaaaa... i think im getting addicted to the "project justice" arcade game!!!!! WAHAHAHA i complete it for the 1st time today, all da stages wahahahaha!!!!!!!
Who says you need concentration to do your best?
If you got the will to do it, fuck concentration.

I use a cheat method, when the match starts i do a party combo that gives my chracter 5 full power bars den i use the second party combo with another party member to dmg the enemy, after that i use my remaining 3 power bars to do the first party combo again... that way i will never run out of power!!
den to finish em, i use a TRIPLE party combo, all 3 of em will just come out n gb the poor sucker!!! hehehe!

you weren't there with me... too bad... but how i wished you could have seen moi win =D
shan shan had to go off after i played one game... i was left there all alone T_T
so i waited for hisyam n guang.. who took soooooooooooooo long just to finish animation n get dwn here...

hisyam reminded me of something i rathe not think of for now... after 5 more wks... we won't have any reason to meet each other, to crap around... to have you around me for that while longer... cant start to imagine what this change will do to me... but i will face it, n follow it...

turn left? or turn right? whichever follows you, whichever i will follow

a leaf fell on 11:27 pm


Sunday, March 13, 2005

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa................ so sleepy
after 2 hrs of slp in 48 hrs, i guess this is what you would feel like..... sniff*
2 barbecues on 2 nights, man somethings gotta give, i guess what i gave is my nose.....
running out onto the wilderness, running running........

Waiting for an answer i still am, but for now, this is my simple way.

there will always be someone behind you,
supporting you all the way,
there will always be someone beside you,
if you ever need him there,
thinking is only thinking,
liking is only liking,
continuing to love you,
continuing to wait,
continuing to watch the coulds,
continuing to love the games,
continuing to hold dear,
thats my simple way.

a leaf fell on 7:29 pm


Wednesday, March 09, 2005

any other day can be called "today", onli the day before can be call "yesterday", only the next day can be called "tomorrow".
if only tomorrow never came...
if only today disappeared...
if only yesterday never existed...

then i could freeze my pain, in that time that stops, i could think something nice, then it will last forever.
alas, if that could happen, what for would i need to love? what for would i need to be wounded? what the fuck will i need those feelings for?

i told you to read my blog yesterday, you said you understood, why i called you dumb... but... i guess yur still as dumb as ever....
could you talk to me? tell me what i feel? tell me what YOU feel? give me a reason to let go?
give me an answer?
PLEASE... stop leaving me without an answer, for the nature of a human is to seek what he doesn't know, and it seems i've enter a thorny bush in search of the answer to my question.
my time has frozen, in a stasis of pain, when will that hourglass be flipped by your hand?
only waiting will tell, but i understand, in a place with no time, waiting never existed...
only a timeless void, holding a special thought, exists..

not knowing is blissful pain, for the thorns of the rose are sweetly sharp
-meng, without knowledge

a leaf fell on 10:07 pm

today, er no yesterday... well like any other day of a ruruoni, i still try to cope with wad i have, worries, hopes, you.

i still can't figure out, what of you makes me like you so much? so much so... that i feel elated jus talking to you, happy when you laugh, i feel down not seeing you, i feel weird when your not there.
why i feel the pain inside, when you dont feel any at all... hell you dont know.
nothing i do seems to work, im just standing there, waiting, ever so patiently.

did you ever notice, that someone behind you, when you walk in front?
silently, he walks his path, knowing that waiting is all he can do,
do you ever, notice?

the shadow behind your shadow is none other than my shadow
-meng, illu

a leaf fell on 2:26 am


Sunday, March 06, 2005

the blue sky after the rain with the light clouds drifting with the breeze,
lazy and peaceful are the trees, swaying softly in the breeze,
the puddle on the ground, rippling slightly in the breeze,
the only thing stillm in that breeze, was my thoughts.

wishing you were here with me, to enjoy this moment,
hoping you would always be with me, to enjoy many more moments.

you taught me the starting of "breezy" yesterday, hehe i sorta practised it the night, now i can play it quite well, cept for some mistakes cuz my fingers keep muddling up...
and i sucked at all the games we played, partly becoz i couldn't er... concentrate with you next to me haha =P and also becoz i was half asleep... ~~(-_o)~~ <---- jellyman
ya my frens also a bit dao... they are jus liddat la, dun mind them k?

as usual the rain... they brought back those memories... but at least now i can not think of them too much... jus think of you =D smart rite?

a leaf fell on 5:54 pm


My Engravings