Monday, November 29, 2004

man am i turnin into some sort of a jackal, or some kinda norcturnal animal....... i wake up at 11 in the morn, in a daze, go back to sleep at 12pm till 4pm where i will not sleep till 3-4 am at nite...... jesus talk about a screwy clock.... someone save me, my mind block hasn't ceased to exist, im still drifting in a world of grey, where all i see is........ grey.

n....... OH YEA I GOT MGS3(Metal gear solid: Snake eater)!!!!!!!! so glad i spent my munny on it, its so damn fun, much better den NFS2 =P GREATO OH YEA HOHOHO!!!!!!!!!!! hack hack......... cough cough....... bleh.......
lol you sneak up on the stoopid soldiers grab them n slit their throats frm behind wahahahaha so evil.
I like shootin tranquilizer darts into their asses then they will "??? what was that?" n faint (~_~) den i will take out my knife n slit their throats.... same fate lol
or i can sneak behind n say FREEZE (they turn into ice blocks) den go in front n aim their balls n they will whine "dont shoot me" n start shakin the boogie =) den i slit their throats........... still same fate =P
all that sees me will DIE, such a sadistic game, BUT I LIKE wahahahaha =P

see SOME evil, hear SOME evil, talk SOME evil
-alter ego of whoever said the opposite of this

a leaf fell on 12:46 am


Tuesday, November 23, 2004

man talk about a sunny day, its been rainin hell lot this few days, especially in the mountainside whr i live (no, not in the trees). the rain reminds me of something, someone in the past, maybe not this life, my previous life?? i cant figure it out, the sorrow that grips me as i look into the listless grey sky, it holds my gaze in thought, how sad was my life before? now? then this phrase always comes to my mind "alone i thread, for im fated to be...." maybe this is my destiny, maybe.....

yesterday went out to watch "the incredibles" at ps, it was an incredible day!!!!!!! we played arcade then went to buy tickets........ then we found out that tickets are quite exquisitely rare that day, n no late night shows for kids like Zero who need to go home n eat ah ma cooked food =). Haru decided she MUST watch the show cuz her bro was with her =P so she booked tiks for the 630 show at bishan. went down to bk n got some fd....... actually a lot for i was feelin the hydrochloric acid in my stomach yellin for so shit to fry.

Haru drew up a pic for my main character n i had to say i was very happi =))))) for it was quite to moi liking, she ask me to edit it, i tried, but decide that to do more would be tantamount to destroying the picture, let the pro handle it =). manz, when im in school i have floods of ideas pourin into me, but when i sit down to think at home my mind just blanks...... -_-' the irony of me.

well just signing off now =P lazy to type more

tooku hanareteru hodo ni chikaku ni kanjiteru
(the farther the distance between us, the more i feel closer to you)
-Reason, GSeed Destiny

a leaf fell on 5:28 pm


Wednesday, November 17, 2004

living in my new hse, i find the days go by slower... is it because it is surrounded by nature so much so that its overwhelming, or is it me, my thoughts my ever changing thoughts,
they flood me, i can't get anything done,
my story, packing the house, even watching tv seems hard...
so i conclude my ability to adapt to a new enviroment is like 1 on the scale 1000000.....

oh yea the view here is great, the forest surrounding is soothing, the clouds change everyday as if someone wanted to add variety to the scenery =)
irony, i cant enjoy them =(
the emptiness is growing, again, that void of life.

i looked to the sky and asked "why?"
the silence told me nothing.
i looked to the sky and asked "why me?"
the silence told me nothing.
i looked to the sky and asked "why does emptiness fill me?"
the silence told me nothing, so i looked away.
the wind told me something.

alone i thread, for im fated to be
for all i loved has never loved me

a leaf fell on 9:36 pm


Sunday, November 14, 2004

today, as i watched the sun rise, i thought of you.
the rays of warmth held my gaze.
as i lay in that moment, i thought of you.
the surreal air held my breath.
as i closed my eyes, i thought of you.
the thoughts i had held my mind.
as i tried to understand, i thought of you
i felt, maybe you held the key.

-thoughts of mine, meng

i've moved to my new house!!! YAY!!! finally, im surrounded by the big big forest over here!!! everything is changing fast, but when i woke up today, i discovered, the sun has not changed, the air has not changed (or i would be dead -_-') the thoughts has not changed. the emptiness is filling up, it has changed, but however full i feel it seems that hollow can't stop returning. lol maybe i'm thinking too much, or too hard..... im bored.... wanna go out tml? anyone? the echoes ring in my head, but yet i fear that im being a pain in the ass, that im evil, disturbing and pestering........... n so................ i have to say........ wanna go out tml???

a leaf fell on 9:32 pm


Sunday, November 07, 2004

oooooooooooof* (heard somewhere in the background)

the semester has truly seriously finally ended, and all thats left to say is happi hols to ALL!!!!!!!!!!!! we've drawn, painted, designed our way thru with many late nights, many lame jokes, and many many =)))))))))) sooooooooooooo kick back n relax for yur 1 mth of bliss whr you have to catch up on all that you suck at =0
wellllllll for me its.............. hmm........... drawing painting designing........ practically everything!!!!!!!!!! so i smile and go back to sleep =) oyasumi!!

whenever sang my songs, on the stage on my own,
whenever said those words, wishing they would be heard,
i saw you smiling at me, was it real or just my fantasy,
you'll always be there in the corner, of this tiny little bar.

my last night here with you, same old songs just once more,
my last night here with you, maybe yes maybe no,
i kind of liked it your way, how you shyly laid your eyes on me,
did you ever know, that i had mine on you.

darling so there you are, with that look on your face,
as if your never hurt, as if your never down,
shall i be the one for you, who pinches you softly but sure,
if frown is shown then i will know that you are no dreamer.
so let me come to you, close as i wanna be,
close enough for me, to feel your heart beating fast,
and stay there as i whisper how i loved your peaceful eyes on me,
did you ever know, that i had mine on you.

darling so share with me, your love if you had enough,
your tears if your holding back, or pain if thats what it is,
how can i let you know, your more than the dress and the voice,
just reach me out then, you will know that you are not dreaming.

darling so there you are, with that look on your face,
as if your never hurt, as if your never down,
shall i be the one for you, who pinches you softly but sure,
of frown is shown then i will know that you are no dreamer.

-eyes on me

i've edited the song a bit =) find out where..... lalalalala i've typed this song out (no copy n paste) for i feel the need to express something......... i dunno what =) thats for you to find out lalalala

a leaf fell on 3:43 pm


My Engravings