Monday, August 30, 2004

the morning sun shines through the shady curtains, flooding the cosy room with a halo glow of yellow orange. the breeze flutters in and out on wings of the light, chirps of jubilee can be heard from the sparrows that nest in the maple trees, awakening from my eternal slumber, I open my heavy eyes to take in that picture of serenity before it evaporates....

lol feelin sleepy?? cuz i am... first day of the hols, a lazy mornin i woke up in, i decide today shall not be a day of work but a day of rest, as i soak up the first light of freedom that may soon leave me for another long time... hope you guys are having and gunna have a great hols too!!!!!!
even though the assignments are important, take awhile to feel that its great to be just able to do as you please for a few days =)

a leaf fell on 3:28 pm


Friday, August 27, 2004

Hey peeps, todayz a all almighty sian jit bua kanna sai crappy shit day =) how was yurs??

i dont feel like talkin much =) so i leave this to you guys...

Tell me

Tell me how to cure a broken soul,
For I need to know.
Tell me how to fix a broken wing,
For I need to go.
Tell me that I’ll never leave,
Even when you do.
Tell me that you’ll never leave,
Cause even I won’t know.
Tell me so I won’t forget,To remember that I forgot…

so you get the drift of it?? easy to understand really (= 0)

a leaf fell on 12:06 am


Saturday, August 21, 2004

yoz guys, not been bloggin for a sibei long time, so hows life treatin ya?
well for the last few days i've been totally cramped with stuff to do, i am still cramped now... sian leh so many assignments sia!!!! well enuf talkin bout stuff that make you wanna sleep liao.......
today i damn pro, woke up at 10 cuz a CERTAIN individual sibei kiasu call me up so early, den i go n sleep again.... n woke up QUITE late la =) buei tahan yesterday sleep at i think... 4-5am?? then sit mrt go suntec, bloody hell, the CERTAIN individual keep callin, damn noisy lor, wan to sleep on train also cannot. den afta meetin we take a slow strool (i mean its like SIBEI slow, not the normal slow) to the star factory, i not in the mood for playin games todae so sucky lor..... when goin to watch movie that time, of all the people in the crowd i HAD to notice a black NOT SO friendly mr bhakta lor..... budden got so many tua pai around we yr 1 also a bit lame-ded. The movie not bad quite follows the real storyline, but drawing not say gd compared to other movies...(but if i can draw liddat i happy liao) den after movie sort of damn sian... eat den go back arcade, i play the arcade game machine so song, den when i finish i realized everione PANG SEH me lor !##E!$ knn i went around searchin (like some sad rejected tom dick harry) till i found inez guang n spidey starin at a tv screen playin ninja gayden..... nonono its gaiden. the game so fun jump jump like crazy monkey n slash like errrr... crazy monkey?? den the shop owner pissed, got this kind of customers n decide to close shop early to stop us from playin... den somehow out of the stupid blue zero dory n iyanashi cha boh, so i call em n they come back to meet us.... den we walk to mrt...... lame rite...... my sec skool frens call me to go out arter that so i proceed to orchard lor..... den randall, one of my sec skool frens, DAMN gay today lor.... i think he lose sabby a bit siao siao liao lol always try to hug me..... plz got greg as 1 gay enuf liao no need 2 lor...... den after playin LAN we zhao liao....... DE END!

poem of the day

Winds of Lying Truth

The cloudy sky pierces thru Thy,
The Sunny Sun moves through time,
With the wind the paper flies,
Written with the greatest lies.

Truth is but a fickle breeze,
Felt by all seen by none,
And how it seems they never click,
The truth, the false and the wind.

a leaf fell on 12:08 am


Tuesday, August 10, 2004

peepin at me the sun is =)

a leaf fell on 11:36 pm

hi peeps!!! today is jus an ordinary day, as ordinary as an ordinary day can be =) reached skool at 830.... but planned to meet at 9, BUT as USUAL..... my jiejies are LATE (-_-') den eat some stuff n go creative process class. today we supposed to take pictures of living things so went around take some flowers, dragonflys, blah n blah n blah. well den break we go meet bhakta, he was also..... LATE... showed him moi pics he say need to
re-adjust my camera angle... so i come back n take again lor, but the dog one damn hard leh.... den go comm skills.... relized one thing.... DONT NEED TO DO WHOLE PROPOSAL!!!!!! seh waste my sleep time for nothin... Guitar was fun today, learn more than first lesson, go back mus PRACTICE!!! so here i am back here practicin =) sayonara!

a leaf fell on 10:52 pm


Thursday, August 05, 2004

hi peeps, so howz yur day, mine's sorta ordinary lor, went to skool for the loooooong thursday, colour theory was ok, nvr knew mountin the art work was so bloody hard, nid skill n jin wen's nei chi to cut.... nort bad miss wendy got praise me work leh =) happi happi!
den we went to eat lunch despite knowin we were late for class liao, how evil..... bluff baka say we doin mountin board =) but his lesson was short n so we laze around till drawin time.... wa the table in the tutorial rm DAMN nice to sleep.... or maybe i too sleepy =)
drawin was the most borin..... wa lao the bloody plier so hard to draw!!!!!(n as usual....its snowin its snowin) i find tay a bit the bias, go to other ppl's work say so much n give so much advice den come to mine say say a bit den zao liao..... my shadin sux, no patience to do it today..... haiz..... got sore throat, this few days mus ghim chui(close mouth) n not eat any fried stuff.... so... lalalalala dunno wad else to say le....

alone for awhile, i've been searching thru the dark,
for traces of the love you left inside my lonely heart,
to weave by pickin up the pieces that remain... melodies of life, love's last refrain...

-melodies of life

a leaf fell on 11:12 pm


Wednesday, August 04, 2004

hey sup peeps??? finally got over moi "depression" period.... so last few days was crap... didn't even do a thing, no mood sia... so today pia lor, mornin go play badminton(serving is still a BIG prob for me), kanna trashed by zero cuz of it.... den afternoon do my monochrome paint at one go sia, siong si lang, still got portraits to do... n the stupid design fund(still NOT SO fun) dunno wad to sketch leh....... wa i think got sunburn liao, feelin hot hot hot.....(dun think think hor!!!) but exercise is gd =) n fun, n blah, n blah , n , n , n........ so finally n eventually got clear skies show... maybe got poem again =)... but still got so much shit to do.....nxt time den say so ciao ppl =)

a leaf fell on 8:19 pm


Sunday, August 01, 2004

yoz ppl! not been blogging proper stuff for days on end, well today was a cool day...... i repeat... cool.......
went out with my sec skool frens, greg, seak ,alex, randall..... go play lan n pool but i'm feelin depressed (dun ask me y, maybe i'll tell you myself instead =)) i sucked at pool cuz i just CANNOT concentrate.... fuck fuck fuck...... well i guess thats all i have to say bout today.... so sian........ haven't start on work yet, tml mus pia liao...
fuck... i dunno wads happening to me.... i've been sad.... for the past few days...Y??? i dun even noe... maybe someone knows??? can you tell me y??? can you save me??? can you release my pain if there is any??? :'( this is the worst feelin ever... im laughing... but deep inside, im wounded, injured, lonely, sorrowed... can you tell me y?? this music can't even sooth my world.... laughter aint workin.... i feel better when im laughing, but it all comes back when im alone, is it the loneliness?? the sadness?? whats sadness?? how do you feel sorrow?? im sad but i can't noe how....y?? god, do you noe the answer?? save my poor soul from its loneliness... friends aren't helping, i can laugh with them, it jus makes things more ironic, the bleeding inside wont stop...... imm living in denial, the worst i can do now... answer me anyone..........

a leaf fell on 12:35 am


My Engravings