Saturday, July 31, 2004

Birds fly in loving pairs,
Pups play with loving care,
do you see those loving bears?
even though i try with loving dare.
But i fly a lonesome flight,
and i play a lonely score,
i dont see no loving bears,
cuz i see no love in me,
i set them loose n they all ran free,
leaving loneliness to me,
good old loneliness for me...

this poem reflects how i've been feelin for this few days, i may seem to smile, but the wound is too deep, the feeling is too strong, i decide a poem would be best to explain... its easy to understand really... so plz jus read it for me will ya??

a leaf fell on 12:46 pm


Tuesday, July 27, 2004

tommorow is near,
but reality is clear,
oneness is many,
loneliness is dreary,
how parrellel r the lives we lead,
it seems we'll nvr meet.
how i long for the day,
that paths will cross n oaths will cause,
cuz how unforgiving it is,
the torment n the grief,
that only loneliness brings...

mm... my mind's in a whirl, all sorta stuff r clashing..... guess i gotta eat n sleep, n all shld be fine =)

a leaf fell on 11:19 pm


Saturday, July 24, 2004

well i've been around this 2 days....

yesterday i went cycling wif cat n zero to take pictures for design fundementals project,
cat came to mi house to take a bike(my bicycles damn gd one leh :p), well we had lotsa fun, zero showed us routes to marina south i nvr knew existed, cat was as tired as lol panting away. n we got some pretty nice pics of ourselves =) coconut juice nvr tasted better too, was so thirsty.... n ya we were late... cat n me....WHATS NEW (-_-')?? 

it was randall's birthday so i met up wifh my sec skool frens, seak, henry, alex, greg, ant(not 0406 one =)) randall n sabby(his gf) watched i-robot not bad at all (AH-CHOO!!!, sorry i allergic to bullshit...) den when i come out of the cinema, first time i in cinema so many ppl call mi! so i called cat.... guess wad??? they watching i-robot later.... wanna watch?? den call mom to tell her i overniting at randall's house, she like a little buey song... but oh well =) im sucha a bad boy O.o. den we had ice cream cake!!! wa not bad at all
cept for the powdery cocoa on it make me sneeze AH-CHOO!! (bullshit....) den randall had a facial...... with a slice of cake =) squish..... woops........ well well!! nice hairdo with patterns on his shirt as well haha!!

den go play mahjong at randall's wah..... before dat we were playin bluff, n whoever called wrongly mus drink seak's concoction "seak's special super remix"--->Bourbon coke( wad were you thinkin?? aozu??) lol n sprite wif vodka as well, not dat concentrated with vodka though =) cuz i cannot drink DAT well la huh?? we played 2 rounds of mahjong.... i big loser :'( 11bucks! y i so down on luck this days??? well i slept till 12 at randall's the rest go home le.... inez call mi to go sakuran club.. i too tired so i pang seh her.. bad bad boy! randall's mom cooked lunch for me (seems i always havin free food from my friends =) NOT SHY mah!!) watched fahrenheit 9/11 was a documentary cum moovie criticising george bush... i also got my own views on him le =) (he NOT SO gd of a president la huh) well im back home... poof! on the bed i went,, cannot sleep peacefully also!!! got so many ppl callin me... den i return missed calls afta i finally slept n woke up at 745... cat still having troubles.. i dun wanna say wads it la, not so nice to tell everyone... well i got a poem... NOT, justa part of a robbie williams song...

This is love callin earth, (harlow, HARLOW??)
do you noe how much it hurts???
i didn't die overnite, (love doesn't die suddenly, it can be saved)
in the wind i had candlelight... (remember ppl there is always hope... for my jiejie cat also)

Love calling earth - robbie williams

a leaf fell on 8:15 pm


Thursday, July 22, 2004

ohiyo ppl!!!!!
y is the sun so bright today? cuz all the clouds have found the way =)
well today.... i WOKE UP LATE!!! at 8:40 when lessons start at 9:00, i thought to myself "die le confirm die......" bud den my father n mom so nice ^_^ fetch moi to skool so i onli late 10 mins, thank you MOMMI N DADDI (^_^:) well den i got to class n found out my jiejies all more pro den me, one is sick(cough onli... bluff ppl de -_-) another one FORGOT got tutorial sia!!!!! color theory was fun, i like to paint but i SUX at it... den durin break the forgetful jiejie come le, afta dat got the killer 6 hrs of tutorials..... wa lao i in mr bhakta's lesson noddin my head like i listening to metal music sia....( actuallly i buey ta han gonna sleep liao...) but he right in front of me.... i look at his face..... also wan to sleep (-_-)'''''zzz
drawin waas oki i not bad at perspective i guess =) but as usual, (eskimo walks past n says (-_-)'''''HI ) you get the picture??? den eat dinner n go home lorz...... i feel sad cuz.... my jiejie is feelin sad..... whatever dun wanta talk bout it also...........boring day hor??? but..... SMILE SMILE =) n all shall be forgiven

nope no poems today =)

a leaf fell on 10:04 pm

well i gotta make this SHORT, got so much crap to do...... argh, today the lectures i was sleepy, cold n hungry.... realli hungry but someone seems hungrier =) i heard a *growlll* next to me.... hmmmm guess who?? its my DA JIE inez who stomach is cryin fo FOOD lol. den i onli drink milo n then go play badminton, feel that i usin too much power le.... but was fun =) den afta badminton we split up i was wif inez n cat my jie jies ^_^ to eat dinner, den ant n ridz meet us afta lookin at shoes n also eat dinner... we go lookie at guitar for quite long den go home le... i somehow feelin cat jie jie is sad... guess i was rite???

well here's somethin for you, my jie jie =)

the horizon gleams with the light of hope,
shining over a prancing antelope,
wide r the plains, great r the fields,
whr it shall roam free from grills,

feelin the wind, blazing the grass,
little antelope will find the love,
hidden under the rays of fate,
someday thee shall feel like thy,
lest the horizon falls from sky 


hope you will find a way to get to your parents, =)

a leaf fell on 12:21 am


Wednesday, July 21, 2004

the light of a setting sun floods my eyes,

a leaf fell on 11:58 pm

the silent wind sifts thru my hands, as sand would thru my fingertips,
just like the tender grasp of love, may fly away like a lonely dove,
even the transient days of time, would fade n never be let known,
so why does sorrow fill thee heart? holding on to never let go.
how not bad hor??? thought of it in moi dreams lol, though i nvr had any

a leaf fell on 7:02 am


Tuesday, July 20, 2004

yoz supp ppl??? todayz........ another day (SSDD) =) i woke up at 10:30 when im supposed to meet for badminton at like 9:30???( SHIT!) n i tot... oh well! plop! dropped back on the bed, you see cuz i slept at 4 am chatting for hrs straight wif cat n ant...... n jus when i tot i could sleep at 2 am..... my TOOPID jie jie cat had to type this Q... ---> how do you noe when a guy likes a gal??? what a Q to ask at....... 2 am?!?!?! den i try to answer but was like everi point i make is irrelevant, lol ant also dunno wad to say so we talk bout songs till 4!!! siao rite.....?
den afta dat, i decided to wake up n msg ppl... to think got ppl also like moi oversleep!!!!! n its none other den....... MEW MEW lol guess hu? so i plan to go watch moovie with the badminton ppl at 2 pm, n since yio chu kang sooooo farrrr (i see the horizon......) we the oversleepers decide to meet at city hall before proceedin to PS. "meet at 12" said my jie jie... guess wad time she come??? 1 pm... soooooooooooooo EARLY, i even got time to buy some biscuits to eat(which i cannot finish), give directions to esplanade to an indonesian , n sleep on a wall which was...... SO comfortable =) finally that bad jie jie happily walked outa the train station when im half-bored to death(reason she was late??? eatin maggie mee...) ... den we go drink tao hui jui n she bring me to the secret hideout whr she get her bishoujo stuff!!!!! n in the end, we late again.... but those playin badminton were later..... wtf they doin sia??? we play a few music games which i TOTALLY SUCKED at (first stage my hands tied to my feet liao) den i heard EUNICE play the piano! wah seh like listening to heaven's tune =) no exaggeration sia, so i get all the class to listen to her play =) eunice shifu qing duo duo zhi jiao! nxt time play more for mi to listen k?? the moovie wasnt THAT scary.... but eunice n inez were like....ARRRRRRR!!!!!!(i tot i saw a ghost with a bagface) cuz the whole show she stuck the bag onto her face..... n ant n ridz were tryin to scare her, i tried to pry her bag off her face but to no avail.
after the movie we loiter around ps for awhile den some ppl went off first leavin yaoguang, inez, cat n moi to eat, inez n cat were killin me sayin i look like ah pek... the bad jie jie dun help moi..... waaaaaaa :'( yaoguang.... still as usual so cuteeeee n nice to pinch =)!! den we went lookin at phones n went home lor.... tadadada
the night pierces the blue sky bringing loneliness to my heart once more...


a leaf fell on 11:21 am

n this is a nice pic of clouds...... duh

a leaf fell on 1:08 am

this r my best friends =) wo men shi shan siong di men!

a leaf fell on 1:08 am

though i may not have the strength to beat though i may not have the strength to defeat you, i will have the courage to fight my best......

a leaf fell on 12:35 am


Monday, July 19, 2004

lalalalala, sup? i feel corn + y today... stay at home till i kun..... oh well lets talk bout the last 2 wks shall we?? =)
orientation day, oh yea i was all pumped up to meet ppl!!!!!! till i reached skool n found a bloody long line to queue??? ok so i got in to the theatre of the arts, no prob with the map and all =). well i see a girl in purp in front who well...... seemed like she was stoning like this (O_O)?? n a malay guy behind moi, not botherin the stoning gal i struck up a conversation with mister malay aka Hisyam to find that the conversation died in less then a minute........ pathetic. i was thinkin " wad a great orientation (-_-')" when we had ice breaker games, cuz well we aint participatin much in the games n not much harmony was floatin in the air. our poor ogl, HUI XIANG, lame as she is was tryin to get us to play with our hearts n minds, but guess mine was driftin to bed at home =) think many were too frm the looks of it. well tourin the campus goin UP n DOWN, UP n DOWN, was laming me so i jus tagged along, i seemed to click with yanyan n ant so i jus talked bout some stuff lor.
the nxt day proved more excitin than Breakin Ice, got games comin along n we play wif our best abilities, the lamest game was the movie guessin game!! i was at the back n by the time it was my turn i could not guess wad the hell was the moovie?!?!?! like last samurai..... wad on earth is a moovie whr a person gives you 2 fingers up( representing a 6) n swings around like a monkey??? we were sweaty by the end of the day n i felt that well things were pickin up =)
last day was well.... lamating, ridz was turn into a dog.... (not so like one though) with a detachable head n we got our cheers up short n sweet =) we were quoted for the best group( god knows how we got it...) afta dancin to wake me up at nite.... woops its bring me back to life by evanecence, i was a baddie n i stuck to it, punchin romeo n stabbin cat ^_^ so FUN! i even made a aluminum foil knife to stab with! the prize was lotsa fd.... i wasnt feelin well in da stomach so i ate little, den HUI XIANG brought back the leftovers which was quite a lot...
nope guess it isn't =), n gladly so! the first wk of skool was like all bout wat we're gonna get into n wat we've got ourselves into. we turned out to be quite the noisy bunch, we went to pool together n bowling as well, thks to 4 hr long breaks... we got nick for some ppl... HORSIE(U - NICE) mehhhhhh, meow... cat,
yanyan( plz call **766391 for prostitution service, onli $50 a nite) n some others. well second wk is now over we had lotsa fun but the assignments starts pourin in so ppl remember!!! we got work! but who cares we played a hell lot badminton,basketball n on fri we went to east coast n even stayed over at cats house... you noe the one who forever laughin n with all the bishoujo books?? her mom cookin gd sia i eat so much..... not shy mah! lamest thing is when we go out for late pool, i was meetin cat n inez at her house n i was asked to wait at the grnd floor... 30 mins... i slept on a bench in the park.... damn shiok =) den afta pool we snuck into the house like burglars... i squeezed with ridz on a bed n still slept though uncomfortably with a runny nose.... den we laze arnd the house the nxt day till evening even though we supposed to go skool for CCA stuff.... thats about it so far
hopefully i will blog everiday but i doubt it... well ciao ppl!!!
a billion yrs r so transient n evanecent, how sweet yet short those yrs r...

a leaf fell on 4:09 pm

ME - jonathan aka MENG (wuu wuu ar ar!!) DUN CALL MOI OLD MAN!!!! =) jus jokin i dun mind ^_^
ANTONY - ant ...................................... (see that line of dots??) squish..... woops
YANWEI - yanyan =) still wan service?? maybe not!!!!! lol well if thats the case... ZERO
RIDZ - lame dog... (plop! the head drops)
WEE LEONG - swee leong... another prostitute, service MAY be better ^_^
HISYAM - yo mister ROBO!
ROMEO - whr art THOU?? mister I/C
YAOGUANG - kingpin (so cuteee!!!!! wanna pluck yur cheeks =))
YONG AN - yoz did a dunk??..... not possible dood (not with yur height.... heehee)
CATHERINE - cat, mew mew..... hentai GURU!!!!!! =) laugh somemore!!!!! later got cramp ar!
EUNICE - HORSIE mehhh, U - NICE(actually NOT SO lah huh)
DOROTHY - Haru( rave master), hamtaro =) ham ham hamtaro!
INEZ - e-niece (as mister bhakta puts it =))
HAIDAR - miss I/C!!
CELEST - jin wen??? lol not this one =) eh.... miss goody all rnd =)
WEN PING -  mmmmmmmmm..... plz try to talk?? smile smile =)
SHANSHAN - shan square!! not as in the four sided one.... draw more! you go gal!
NO offense ppl this is a public blog its jus what i feel like writin so if i offended you, you can call 947663** for enquries on.... AHEM*  customer services =)

a leaf fell on 1:32 am


My Engravings